V2 questions

Richard Smith smithbone at gmail.com
Thu Jan 20 06:39:00 CET 2005

> > I have a PIII celeron.  Where do I go loook to find what model that is
> > so I know what to add into my config?
> That was a PGA370, right? I am guessing it is not in there, looking at the
> tree.

Right. I created it.  And really all it needs is the right
cpu/intel/model_xxx in the config file.  Currently I'm using model_6xx
which is what the slot_2 used.

> Currently, it's always enabled, but if you build a fallback-only payload,
> then 'normal' won't get run. This is hokey, I know.

So if  I just remove all the normal stuff?  What about all the reset16
and entry16 stuff?  Looks to me like I pretty much have to re-write my
MB config.lb

> > Out of tree makes it a bit more difficult for me to keep all my stuff
> > under one roof when I go to check it into my internal CVS.  Why do you
> > like out of tree?
> What I mean is, the .o and other objects out of the tree.

Since you haven't really said specificlly what you don't like about
in-tree builds I say what I do like.  Having everything under one roof
make it much easier for me to just take a snapshot of things.  CVS is
great but there are still loads of time when I'ts just more of a
hassle.  Sweet and simple.  I can't tell you how many times I've had
to go back to a snapshot and snag a binary that I wasn't able to
reproduce due do some wierdness going on.  Or just as a sanity check
when wierdness is going on.

Having things in seperate trees makes that harder.  I do understand
that having them differnt though does offer a lot of advantages in
other areas.

But I would say that what you really want is the ability to do it either way.

My original point was though that it would be nice from a new board
porters view if there was some kind of reference payload for each
known good board and it was included.

Richard A. Smith

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