Shuttle SN25P

The wiki is being retired!

Documentation is now handled by the same processes we use for code: Add something to the Documentation/ directory in the coreboot repo, and it will be rendered to Contributions welcome!


This is just a work-in-progress status page, the port is not fully functional yet.

Linux kernel hangs in tty_io.c console_init() and VGA is not working...

Tried various kernels:

The hang is apparently a kernel panic (blinking leds at ~10s interval) but there's no message on the serial console about it. still locking up on spin_lock_irqsave()

If I start coreboot from poweroff, it hangs in running the vga bios under emulation

October 5th 2008: Uwe had another big contribution to this port, he advised me to get the VGA board out of the box and try without. It worked instantly ! I could even log on the console typing blindly on the keyboard.


I started my work on Shuttle SN25P motherboard by looking at supported mainboards page, chose a supported one that has similar hardware (Asus A8N-E)

Uwe told me where to start modifiying the code to adapt it to motherboard specificities, and more importantly, where to find the information to put in place.





Information gathering

All output from these tools are on Shuttle SN25P Build Tutorial/Infos.

